Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life of a Lymie

Hello, and welcome to my blog! If you are here, you probably have some idea of what this blog is going to focus on. The title sort of gives it away, I suppose. Yes, it is about my seven year struggle with Lyme Disease, Babesia and Bartonella. I thought it was important to document my thoughts here, whether or not anyone reads it or is interested. If I can help at least one person, then I will be happy. :-) That is where it starts, after all.
I am currently on a pretty aggressive regimen. Igenex testing (for more information on Igenex labs or Lyme Disease itself, go to and revealed that I tested positive for ACTIVE Lyme, and it is inconclusive as to whether or not it is chronic, but band 31 was indeterminate, which usually does mean yes, chronic and active Lyme..what fun is that? I tested positive for 5-6 of the bands on Igenex, which is a pretty raging infection. Stupid ticks. I thought that by now, after all this time, it would be more so chronic, but the Lyme doctor explained to me that sometimes one spirochete can survive and just constantly replicate, creating more spirochetes. No wonder I've been so sick. The doctor (can't reveal the name, as Lyme doctors are constantly being targeted by the CDC and Infectious Disease Society of America--political battle that just doesn't seem to end) put me on a doxycycline and artemisia regimen, along with a powerful probiotic. It is day 8 of the treatment, and I'm not sure of how else to say it--I feel terrible. However, that is actually a GOOD thing..means that the spirochetes are being killed, or at least I hope so. I became sick this morning and just was super dizzy and nauseous. It is doing a number on me, that is for sure! I am trying to be positive though--have to look ahead to the future. My husband and I have been married nearly 6 months now, and we would both love to go on a honeymoon to Las Vegas when I get better, and eventually have children, of course. It goes without saying that I would love to be out there working as well, but people who know me know that. I'm a pretty type-a person who likes to "do do do" and not "sleep sleep sleep," but all in good time. Yes, I do have a great deal of motivation for getting better. I am going to be 30 in February, and would like to have my 30's be a time of great health, laughter, and just overall good things. I can't get back the 7 years I have lost already, but at least I can anticipate the future with a smile.
I was bitten by a tick in 2006, but I went into it sick already (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, due to never getting over mono in college). I had no idea I was bitten, as I think it entered into a nasty cut on my foot. Easy access. I was diagnosed with a coinfection in the ER--Ehrlichiosis. I was treated successfully, but the testing was just so inaccurate. It failed to pick up the fact that I also had Lyme Disease itself, Bartonella, and Babesia. I just wasn't feeling any better after a year, so I went to a Lyme-Literate doctor in CT., who diagnosed me with Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella via the Igenex testing, which is pretty much the gold standard of testing when it comes to Lyme and tick-borne diseases. I had a PICC line in my arm for seven weeks, receiving daily infusions of Azithromycin. It wasn't fun, or easy, but was necessary. My mom had to wrap my arm up in Saran-Wrap every time I took a shower, as I wasn't supposed to get the line wet. I looked like a mummy! I became great at washing my hair with one hand, as I held the other out of the water. Pretty soon, I had developed quite a muscle in my right arm!
Flash forward to now, I have not been on treatment for quite a while, so this new protocol is long overdue. My husband has been urging me to write in my journal now for quite some time, so I thought I should definitely try it out. He has been very loving and supportive throughout all of this, although I know it isn't easy to see someone you love go through so much pain and frustration. I am definitely a very lucky woman, and he is helping me to fight this day in and day out.
Ok, so my first post was quite long, but it just sort of gives background information as to what I've been going through and am going through currently. Thanks for reading! :-)

--Julie B.


  1. VERY well written, Julie! Having watched my sister suffer through Lyme and having a husband with Ehrichiosis, we are too familiar with the hell you are going through. You have our support and prayers and we look forward to following your blog!

    -Lyn Reilly Clements

  2. Thank you so much, Lyn! I remember talking to Chris a few years back about her Lyme experience (much worse than what I am going through now), and my heart broke for what she had to go through, especially the wheelchair part. I am so glad she is better now! I didn't know your husband has Ehrlichiosis. )-: I am sorry. I hope he can get to feeling better soon. It's definitely no picnic, that's for sure. Thank you for your support on here! Hope you're doing well! :-)

  3. HI Julie, welcome to the blogging world. I just started one a couple of weeks ago, so would love to have you join mine as a follower. I just tried to add myself as a follower to yours, but it wouldn't let me, but I will try later!!!

    I agree, even if one person can read mine, and get some (if nothing else) distraction or a smile from living with chronic illness and pain....well then, it is worth it. Besides the totally self absorbed reason of just wanting to get my "stuff" out in a public forum LOL!

    anyway, congrats for this, I will be looking forward to reading more of your experiences!
