Saturday, August 7, 2010


I know many of you love the summer months, but for me, it is absolute hell with the lyme. I have come to actually dread July and August, and count down the days to the fall weather. It's just that it increases the symptoms, and lately, those lovely symptoms have been hand cramping (dropped a cup of tea the other day, as my hands couldn't grasp onto it), full body shaking, dizziness, sweats, and incredible fatigue. I just don't know at this point if I am ever going to get better. It's been a long time--try 5 years (2 more with the CFS), and I've tried so many treatments. I am on a drug holiday at the moment, as I need to regain my strength, but I feel like saying what strength? There isn't any. Sometimes I wonder if I should just cut my losses and just live with this, but at other times, I am pushed onward by some invisible force urging me to fight and never give up. I know that when I do fight, I am pretty sick, and there is a danger of me being hospitalized if it gets bad enough. I'd like to think I am strong enough to withstand that, but I'm not sure if I am. I just am sick of feeling guilty and apologizing to everyone who this illness affects--mostly everyone in my life. I didn't ask for this, and it's frustrating when it unlawfully intervenes in my life. Most people get it, and tell me not to worry and not apologize. I just feel like I need to, as their lives have been undoubtedly affected by this too. That's what I wish people would understand. It's not just the lyme patient that is affected. It's everyone in that patient's life who is affected. Sometimes I don't feel like pushing myself, yet I do anyway, to force some semblance of normality, and a life, whatever that is. I am strong most days, and look to the future with hope, but sometimes it's near impossible to do so. I cry, yes, and feel robbed of my life. I wonder how it would be if things were different and I had never gotten sick. Hard to imagine any other reality that the current one, but when I am by myself, my mind wanders. I don't want it defining my life, and I am sick to death of talking about it sometimes, but it's such a big part of my life right now. I know some people get sick of it or think I am being negative, but it helps me to talk about it and brainstorm different ideas for my eventual health. I'm supposed to see my lyme doctor next week and talk about different options. He/she is worried that it may be something else I am dealing with, in addition to the lyme. Geez, like there isn't enough going on in my body! I hope it isn't cancer. That is the thing. I always jump to the worst possible conclusion, and I do worry, as my immune system is basically non-existent, but it could be just the Babesia rearing its ugly head too. The summer months seem to bring on Babesia flares for me. I can't even go on long car rides, as it exacerbates my symptoms, much less drive a car. This is me just venting, but I AM SO SICK OF BEING SICK!!! It's gone on for far too long, and I'd like to be one of those success stories featured in the Lyme movie Under Our Skin. Why can't I get better, and when can it be my turn? Ok, there is my rant for the night. I'm going to try to get some sleep, although that has been a struggle lately as well. It doesn't help that zombie dog (aka Anna) is scratching like crazy and walking around in circles. Ugh..dumb dog. Anyway, hope that tomorrow is better in terms of symptoms. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!

--Julie B.


  1. Aww Julie, first big non-pain causing hug!!!! ((((((((Julie)))))))), and next....yes, I so understand what you are saying. Especially about the talking about this. However, I think if we don't talk about it, we fear that people will just assume this is us. I am sure there are many people who think I am just overweight and lazy. If I would just lose weight and exercise, i would be fine.....I would LOVE TO DO THAT!!!

    I just walked across the street, and realized that maybe if I did get a walker, no matter how icky that feels to me, I would exercise more. And, how many people understand the concept that getting a walker would help them exercise!!! How twisted is that!

    But Julie, this is about you, and I am sorry. I do know how you feel, to some extent, and I wish there was some way we could do something to get a cure.

    I heard this quote the other day, and while I think it is also kind of sad if you look at it from on perspective.....we are both very strong because: "Strength is how well we hide our pain"

    So, stay strong my friend, stay strong!!! but cry when you want to, cuz that is strength too, just a little messy LOL..

  2. Thank you so much blog admin for this great opportunity to show my gratitude to Dr Itua herbal center who cure my lyme disease completely within 3 three weeks of usage, I was first nervous about the whole stuff until I finally drank his herbal medicine then get tested and see that he real herbal doctor with great herbs knowledge.Dr Itua herbal medicine cures all sorts of illness and disease such as hiv,herpes,cancer,hepatitis,diabetes,lyme and other bacteria infections as well.You can contact dr Itua on email; or visit his website for more information.Dr Itua did not know that I'm doing this but I think the only way for me to show my gratitude is to heal the world with his herbal knowledge through his goodness.
    Thank you once again blog admin.
